Mini Academy


Training materials are a necessary part of any program or activity that involves knowledge acquisition and retention. The best approach to developing instructional materials is to start by examining the training plan and available resources. Depending on the learning objectives and length of the training program, training materials may include workbooks and training manuals.

We supply training materials to training providers and organisations demanding the highest quality and most cost effective training Materials.We provide SETA-ready learning and assessment materials packages that will save providers hundreds of hours of preparation. Our material is developed to the highest quality and in a format which conforms to SETA requirements.

“Give us the tools, and we will finish the job.”.– Winston Churchill

We offer our clients two options for learning materials

  • Off-The-Shelf (OTS) learning material
  • New course design
Off-The-Shelf (OTS) learning material

SETA-ready learning and assessment materials packages that will save providers hundreds of hours of preparation. Off-The-Shelf (OTS) learning material saves you time and money, the material (Full Qualification material & Unit Standard Skills Program material) meets the industry requirements. You can brand, customise and print-on-demand and that will reduce your training costs.


New design material (NDM)

We assist with the development of new Short Courses, Qualifications and Unit Standards packages. Our team of experts have enormous.Our team of course designers are specialists who have designed and developed highly effective learning solutions that are being used around the world. Our team will partner with your subject matter experts to create a customised solution to meet your needs.


Some of our services
  • Researching of registered NQF unit standards with which to align existing learning material.
  • Ensuring that your relevant ETQA’s criteria for programme development is followed
  • Alignment of existing programmes to unit standards as per SAQA and NQF requirements
  • Ensuring that  programmes are designed and outlined to reflect the integration of the relevant critical cross-field outcomes as specified in the standard or qualification.


National Qualifications Framework Objectives
  • To create a single integrated national framework for learning achievements.
  • Facilitate access to, and mobility and progression within, education, training and career paths
  • Enhance the quality of education and training
  • Accelerate the redress of past unfair discrimination in education, training and employment opportunities.

    If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us.
    Shop No. F105 A Corner Phudufu

    & Khoza Street, Atteridgeville

    Telephone: +27 12 771 5823


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