Office 2016 Training Materials for IT Trainers
Microsoft Office 2016 Courseware & Windows 10 Tutorials
Printable, customizable training materials
Purchase the Complete IT Courseware Library and get quality computer courses.
- Unlimited Printing Rights
- No Annual Renewal Fees
- Also Includes Intranet Versions
- Low, One-off Cost
- Download Free IT Training Samples Now
Complete IT Courseware Library – Including Microsoft Office 2016
Containing everything you need to deliver your computer training courses including Microsoft Office 2016 and Windows 10 teaching materials.
- See full list of all courses included.
- Quality PC courseware for trainers at affordable prices.
- Add your own name and logos to the training manuals.
- Includes tuition manuals and exercises, exercise files, slides and more!
- Fully editable, with no restriction on number of copies used at your teaching site.
- Sample downloads available for all our courses, including Windows & Microsoft Office
- Complete IT Courseware Library includes new courses and updates for a year.
- Intranet versions are included in the price.
- Suitable for tutor-led training, self teach or post-course reference.
- Used by schools, colleges, Universities, computer trainers and IT trainers world-wide.
We provide the training manuals so you can concentrate on the training delivery!
What makes our IT courseware service so special?
Quality: Unlike some of our courseware competitors who seem to concentrate on quantity rather than quality, we offer the IT courses you actually need rather than an inflated list of courses, many of which you will never teach.
IT Specialists: We concentrate solely on IT training courses. We do not offer management, soft skills and the like. We are your IT courseware specialists.
Dependability: We have been around since 1995, longer than most of our online imitators. Our impressive client list confirms that we remain the best combination of price and value.
Within Australia (08) 9401 7613
Within the UK 01242 227200
Within the USA 011 618 9401 7613
Other countries: +61 8 9401 7613
Postal Address:
Cheltenham Group Pty. Ltd.
39a Tellen St, Mullaloo
6027, WA