


Founded in 1998, AstroTech has become one of South Africa’s premier training service providers.

It is a results driven, dynamic company that has assisted major multi-national corporates, government, small specialist firms and all entities in between with their training, consulting and project management requirements.

A client-focused organization, AstroTech understands that knowledge is power.
AstroTech, a Seta accredited training provider, draws from a wide pool of experts who have had hands on experience, at all levels, in their fields of expertise.

They include top level business executives, prominent lawyers, engineers, chartered accountants, information technology specialists and academics.

Articles from AstroTech
* Mastering Time Management & Self Management
* Low business confidence a factor of ‘change’ fatigue
* Tax law course covers South African and international tax
* The challenge of leadership is living up to promises and delivering
* Analyzing Inputs, Maximising Outputs
* Writing & Communicating for Results
* IT & The Law
* The Ultimate Sales Manager
* Turning the technical person into a successful salesperson
* New Johannesburg conference centre opens
* Project Management for Non-Project Managers
* Mastering the Art of Training – Training Course
* Disaster Management & Recovery
* South Africa not training effectively to pull economy
* Companies scramble to beat financial illiteracy
* Training company sets new model for Corporate Social Investment
* King 3 sees directors queuing for courses on corporate governance
Young managers battle with old saboteurs

Contact Us
Contact: AstroTech

Accreditation Status:

Institutional Accreditation


Services SETA


  • Gauteng

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