Annacol Training Consultants

Annacol Training Consultants

Our training offered includes at our venue in Pinetown, KZN at the customers venue and our Learn@Home Assessor, Moderator, Facilitator,
SDF, Design and Develop Outcomes Based Assessment, and Design and Develop Outcomes Based Learning Programmes.

You receive a video of an actual work shop, learner manual, Port Folio of Evidence (POE) template. Sit in front of your computer and view the video while you complete your POE. Return your POE for assessment, moderation and register on ETDP SETA database. We provide full assistance till you are competent. R1350 for assessor, facilitator or moderator each delivered over night. payment terms available.

AnnacolTraining Consultants: Training Offered at our venue or yours





Design and Develop Outcomes Based Assessment

Develop and Design Outcomes Based Learning Programmes

Accreditation Services

Learn@Home distance training Develop aligned learning material, facilitator and assessment guides.

Contact Us
Contact: Annacol Training Consultants

Accreditation Status:

Full Accreditation



ETQA Accreditation #:



  • Eastern Cape
  • Free State
  • Gauteng
  • KwaZulu-Natal
  • Limpopo
  • Mpumalanga
  • North West Province
  • Northern Cape
  • Western Cape

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