Westlawn Institute

Since 1930, Westlawn Institute has trained more practicing boat designers than any other institution in the world. Westlawn Institute is an internationally accredited school, with students from every corner of the globe. All courses are 100% distance learning. Students study from their homes.

Our instructors are available to help you through every step of the way. Instructor support, study guides, books, and other materials are all available via the Internet and mail. Depending on the focus of your study and your individual pace, courses can be completed in a matter of months or years. Tuition is low, so Westlawn students graduate debt free.

Yacht & Boat Design Course
Take our Yacht & Boat Design Course, consisting of four modules for training professional yacht and boat designers. This is an intensive course that covers all aspects of yacht and boat design. Graduates of the Yacht & Boat Design course have gone on to become some of the most prominent designers in the marine industry.


Overview of Naval Architecture for Marine Professionals
Take our concise, 6-month distance-learning course to gain an overall understanding of naval architecture, including improving your knowledge of boatbuilding and design, to enhance your marine-industry career. This course is also ideal to train your employees and improve their skills. Learn about hydrostatics, stability, resistance, speed and powering, fiberglass boat construction, and production boatbuilding methods.

Westlawn Institute of Marine Technology
c/o Maine Maritime Museum
243 Washington Street
Bath, Maine 04530 USA
Tel: 800-832-7430
Tel: 207-747-0088
Fax: 207-747-0084
Email: info@westlawn.edu

Please contact us to discuss any questions you may have about Westlawn and our programs.

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