S.A.G Training cc – Construction Skills
Our company SAG Training has been a skills training provider for the past nineteen years.
S.A.G. Training provides Skills training in building related trades, road construction and other courses for organizations, companies and communities.
Our aim is to empower workers through training and skills development to create job opportunities and to increase productivity and quality of work.
After completion of a course trainees would be in a better position to find employment.
Newly acquired skills could also be used to start an own business as great emphasis is placed on entrepreneurship as doorway to economic sustainability of our previously disadvantaged communities.
S.A.G. TRAINING views training not as an end in itself, but as the means for accomplishing a more powerful objective to reduce poverty and unemployment.
As a portable skills training provider we can provide skills on-site to meet your specific skills training needs.
Equipment and tools are taken to even the most remote areas in the country where training or construction has to be done.
Courses are developed on a modular or unit standard basis and includes measurable objectives and criterion tests and it could be aligned with national qualification guidelines (NQF).
A minimum entry level however might apply.

Accreditation Status:
ETQA Accreditation #:
- Western Cape