NWCG Online Course Materials
Click below, on the course title, to obtain instructions on how to complete the online courses, online component of the blended courses, and pre-course work for instructor led courses.
Online Courses: NWCG courses completed online without the need for students to attend instructor-led training.
L-180, Human Factors in the Wildland Fire Service
S-110, Basic Wildland Fire Orientation
S-190, Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior
S-260, Interagency Incident Business Management
S-290, Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior
Firefighter Math
Incident Qualifications and Certification System (IQCS)
Investigating Railroad Caused Wildfires
Mountain Flying Training
Using the Fire Incident Mapping Tool Tutorial
Blended Courses: NWCG courses that include two training components (online and instructor-led). The online components must be completed before attending the instructor-led training.
M-581, Fire Program Management
S-130, Firefighter Training
S-219, Firing Operations
S-230, Crew Boss (Single Resource)
S-231, Engine Boss (Single Resource)
S-273, Single Engine Air Tanker Manager
S-482, Strategic Operational Planning
Pre-Course Work/Pre-Selection Assessment: Some NWCG courses include pre-course work and/or a pre-selection assessment available online. Students should follow course coordinator or instructor guidance regarding completion.
D-310, Expanded Dispatch Support Dispatcher
D-312, Aircraft Dispatcher
FI-210, Wildland Fire Origin and Cause Determination
L-280, Followership to Leadership
M-410, Facilitative Instructor
RX-301, Prescribed Fire Implementation
RX-341, Prescribed Fire Plan Preparation
RX-410, Smoke Management Techniques
S-200 Initial Attack Incident Commander
S-203 Introduction to Incident Information
S-212, Wildland Fire Chainsaws
S-230, Crew Boss
S-236, Heavy Equipment Boss
S-244, Field Observer
S-245, Display Processor
S-270, Basic Air Operations
S-290, Intermediate Fire Behavior
S-300, Extended Attack Incident Commander
S-330, Strike Team/ Task Force Leader
S-339, Division/Group Supervisor
S-357, Food Unit Leader
S-371, Helibase Manager
S-375, Air Support Group Supervisor
S-378, Aerial Supervision
S-390, Introduction to Fire Behavior Calculations
S-404, Safety Officer
S-420, Command and General Staff
S-440, Planning Section Chief
S-445, Incident Training Specialist
S-470, Air Operations Branch Director
S-490, Advanced Fire Behavior Calculations
Instructor and Course Coordinator Materials: Some NWCG courses include online materials for the instructor-led training portion. Refer to course instructions for more information.
D-310, Expanded Dispatch Support Dispatcher