Wine Training


During the past 7 years the project has expanded significantly given the growing need for quality training in the South African wine industry. The dynamic nature of the industry and its changing needs are compelling WTSA to keep expanding the current programme in order to meet the growing demand.

In addition to learning programmes offered until 2014, the WTSA team is developing learning material to present the Winemaking (NQF 3) Learnership and Skills Programmes from 2015 (where learners can select programmes to address specific needs).

Following the partnership with the Cape Winemakers Guild in 2014, Wine Training SA was enabled to create capacity to extend its training offerings.


The current WTSA Ladder of Training

Currently SKOP 1 is followed by SKOP 2 and finally SKOP 3. These are 2-day modules to equip the learner with basic cellar knowledge and soft skills. The short non-accredited learning programmes were developed by the industry for the industry and are constantly updated in line with industry changes.


SKOP Short Courses – Curriculum


SKOP 1 – Introductory Programme
SKOP 2 – Intermediate Programme
SKOP 3 – Advanced Programme



Language of presentation

Courses for cellar staff are presented in the student’s mother tongue, namely Afrikaans, English and Xhosa. The enormous need for Xhosa training was addressed for the first time in 2006.






Non Accredited Programmes:


Short Programme’s and workshops (SKOP 1 – 3 and Workshops)

There is much learning that does not lead to a national qualification. Such education and training need not be rigorously quality assured, as long as it meets the need of the learners, the relevant government department, private employer or community. The DHET will make it clear to other government departments and donors that non-formal education provision targeted at specific community needs, as well as on-going professional development, need not always lead to qualifications or be provided through accredited trainers
Resource : White Paper for Post School Education and Training (published in January 2014) pt., reflecting the regulatory status of non accredited programmes.


Accredited Programmes:


Skills Programme

Unit standard-based programmes that are occupationally based, and when completed, constitute a credit towards a qualification registered in terms of the NQF.


Structured learning process for gaining theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the workplace leading to a qualification registered on the NQF.


Qualification: Assistant to the Winemaker:

WTSA is positioning itself to develop and present the above mentioned Qualification (2016)



FET Building
Next to Lecture Halls

021 300 0117

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