Mind The Gap
Mind-the-Gap started with a vision to empower, upskill and create opportunity through South Africa’s dynamic structure of Skills Development.
Established in 2004, Mind-the-Gap recognised the need and challenges that industries and the South African workforce face to formalise their people development processes as part of the ever changing education, vocational training and labour landscape within the arena of national skills legislation (namely the Skills Development Act, Skills Development Levies Act, Employment Equity Act and the South African Qualifications Authority Act).
Mind-the-Gap, a quality service provider in people development aims to provide a practical solution in assisting organizations addressing their training and skills related agendas.
Mind The Gap assist companies in planning, implementing and analysing effective training, assessment and people development strategies that work.
Mind-the-Gap is not only a people solutions enterprise but also an accredited training provider with Services SETA.
Mind The Gap surrounds itself with expert facilitators, subject matter experts, assessors, moderators, project administrators and coaches that are contracted with to make every project we procure a success.
Mind The Gap also partner with similar enterprises to provide holistic solutions to clients where our core business doesn’t fulfill their needs.
Mind The Gap recognize, that projects and training require different needs of clients and, through this network of contractors we work with, accurate and ideal resources are used to maximize the training and consulting experience.
Mind The Gap pride ourselves in the training delivery and aim to make the skills development process work to not only achieve the National Skills Development Strategy targets, but empower every learner, employer and workplace that we work with.

Accreditation Status:
ETQA Accreditation #:
- Eastern Cape
- Free State
- Gauteng
- KwaZulu-Natal
- Limpopo
- Mpumalanga
- North West Province
- Northern Cape
- Western Cape